Sync DRM iTunes movies with HTC sensation/EVO/rhyme

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HTC handsets are becoming more and more popular in the states, if you are looking for customizability, large display or various rom experiences, you won’t go wrong with HTC’s popular model such as HTC sensation, EVO, resound, amaze or rhyme. You don’t have to worry about the possibility of access to your iTunes library, this article will tell you how to free the iTunes media and sync iTunes DRM locked movies, music and audio books with HTC phones.

Instruction to remove DRM from iTunes movie, music and audiobook, sync iTunes with HTC

Download and install DRM iTunes to HTC converter, the software supports DRM removal for m4v, m4p and m4b files.
play itunes movies on htc
Import your music and movie library to DRM iTunes to HTC converter

Set output format, for video it should be set as mp4 or 3gp, for audiobooks and music it should be set as mp3.
play itunes movies on htc

Click start to convert DRM protected iTunes music and videos to HTC EVO

Now you can just drag and drop the DRM free iTunes movie and music files to the storage of your HTC phone. By the way, Mobo player is a stellar media player app for android, it’s smooth and versatile, and the best part is, it’s free!

File Extension .M4P

Protected .AAC audio file downloaded from the iTunes Music Store; incorporates Apple Computer's "Fairplay" DRM copy protection, which limits the number of computers the file can be played on.

In order to play a protected M4P file, you must authorize your computer using Apple iTunes. This is done by entering a username and password for the account that downloaded the file. Up to five computers can be authorized with the same account.

Published on DRM Removal

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